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More Rock Fall at the Tunnel du Chambon

More rock falls and landslides over the weekend

featured in News & reviews Author Ellie Mahoney, Alpe d'Huez Editor Updated

As mother nature tries to reclaim the tunnel du Chambon, we asked last week "When will the mountain fall?" well it seems like more of it did fall, just this weekend.

A huge collapse does appear to be imminent, and local residents are now having to be taken to work by helicopter, or across the lake on boats. A special budget of 30,000 euros has been assigned by the local authorities to continue this shuttle service for the foreseeable future.

Spectators arrived at the dam wall at Mont de Lans to see if any more rock fall was going to happen, whilst surveillance helicopters buzzed overhead scouting for any more landslides. 

Around 1000 cubic metres of rock is estimated to have slid into the lake. Take a look at the video from Marc Greiner taken at the site yesterday.

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